첨부파일 : |
싱가폴 ACE! Festival – Arts & Creativity for Everyone 작품선정 결과
안녕하세요, 지난달에 모집한 싱가폴 ACE! Festival 한국 아동극 작품선정이 축제 측 예산 사정으로 작품선정에 어려움이 발생했다고 알려왔습니다. 이에 양해 부탁 바라며, 본 협회는 앞으로도 회원극단 여러분께 다양한 정보를 드리고자 더욱더 노력하겠습니다.
Dear Ms Kim,
Thank you for your response.
Firstly let me apologize for my lack of clarity, thus causing inconvenience and confusion on your side. For that I'm terribly sorry and embarrassed.
We had initially wanted to bring in more productions around Asia (Korea), however, our funding has been cut for next year and as a result, we are unable to bring in as many groups as we originally like. This has also resulted in our festival being shortened. We had to turn down many groups and it has not been easy.
I feel terribly sorry and I hope this does not ruin our relationship. I really do want to maintain good ties with ASSITEJ Korea and yourself as we are very interested in partnering with you. We will definitely look at some of the Korean productions and possibilities when programming our next festival.
That said, we are looking as possible expansion and opportunities. This means collaborating with international groups in the near future to create new works and hopefully presenting them in both countries (and possibly touring). Also, we are looking at bringing in international productions as a stand alone outside the time frame of the festival. This will allow the production to have a longer run, hence making it more focused and beneficial for both sides.
Do let me know if that might be a platform you might be interested in.
I apologize once again for any inconvenience and really appreciate you taking the time to source suitable productions. Do apologize to the groups for me. On our end, we will definitely keep you updated of our future seasons and opportunities.
Cheers Caleb |