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  • 뉴스레터
  • 2023년 10월
  • 아시테지 세계본부 뉴스레터 No.146 (2023년 10월호)
  • 조회수 : 534

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Foto by Nelson Álvarez. Audiences attending a performance from “Titirivida”, from Pinar del río, Cuba.

 By Emilie Robert, EC Member of ASSITEJ International

In mid-September, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a note to subsidized cultural structures suspending all collaboration with Malian, Burkinabé or Nigerien artists in the name of security. This announcement provoked numerous protest reactions in France and compromised projects, due to a lack of predictable outcome to the conflicts concerned.

This announcement shocked me, not only because I am currently sharing a project with the director of the Théâtre Soleil in Ouagadougou. A few weeks earlier, I was in Johannesburg, welcomed with my colleagues from the Executive Committee, by ASSITEJ South Africa and the Cradle of Creativity festival. I saw very powerful shows there, particularly those from the African continent. I discovered remarkable artists, some very young, and took part in some really interesting conferences and discussions. I came back enthusiastic about such artistic and human richness. Excluding some of these artists from future projects is unacceptable to me.

When diplomacy subjugates art, it forgets that it brings people together beyond borders and cannot comply with the rules of military and political conflicts. It has its own confrontations, but above all it connects men, women, children, young people, artists and spectators. 

ASSITEJ, like the art itself, brings together artists and professionals from around the world, through its site and its newsletters, but even more at the Congresses and during the Artistic Gatherings. The next gathering will take place soon, in Belgrade and Nov Sad (Serbia) from November 20. We hope to see a large number of members of the international community of TYA there.

Beforehand, we invite you to join us for the two “Coffee Sessions” that my colleague, Ernie Nolan, and I will devote to LGBTQ+ issues in live performance aimed at children and youth, after sessions dedicated to diversity and deaf culture last season. We are continuing our online meetings dedicated to diversity, inclusion, meeting others, and respecting each person. These are strong values, which carry performing arts for children and youth.

They are also embodied in the group which works on political strategy issues within the executive committee, in the committee dedicated to accessibility, in the promotional campaigns for the World Theater Day for Children and Youth, etc. They are carried by each and every one of us in our daily activities.

Art connects and, even more so, performing arts for children and youth, which bring together generations and all audiences. ASSITEJ represents these values and these links. The Executive Committee and the team are the vectors.

Members of ASSITEJ, let's gather, meet, stand in solidarity, online or in person, in Serbia, Cuba, and everywhere else whenever the opportunity is given to us. Our solidarity and our commitment are our strength in the face of political or military conflicts, upheavals and economic and ecological crises.

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Upholding The Rights Of The Child


ASSITEJ International upholds the rights of the child and defends young people’s place as contributors, cultural actors, and valued members of society.

We acknowledge that because of our audience, our work intersects with education, with families and their welfare, with justice, and with community well-being. It is tied strongly to resilience and the development of confidence, to the inspiration of hope and imagination. We cannot stand by in silence when we witness the actions, the policies, and the conflicts that impact strongly on the rights and hopes of children and young people.

ASSITEJ International rejects the adoption of violent conflict and recognises the appalling impact of such actions on children and their lives. We know that many of our members are dealing first hand with the results of violence and we support and applaud artists everywhere who provide tools for expression through art and who are working to maintain hope where it is most under threat.

View our Manifesto>

News from ASSITEJ International
ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2023 TURNING POINT

 ASSITEJ Serbia and ASSITEJ International are happy and proud to invite colleagues from all over the world with whom we share our passion and mission to the ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2023, which will take place in Belgrade and Novi Sad from 20 – 24 November, under the title “Turning Point”.

We invite you to take a look at the constant updates we are sharing on our website and download the Welcome Kit.

Registration will open on 24 October 2023!

🌎🌍🌏 Belgrade & Novi Sad, Serbia

🗓 20 - 24 November 2023

Read more> 

Coffee Session: Sharing & Telling LGBTQ+ Stories in TYA

Join us for a conversation around sharing and telling LGBTQ+ stories with young audiences!

This session will be led by Cleiton Echeveste.

🌎🌍🌏 Online

🗓 13 October 2023 

More info & registration>

Call for Conference Papers: ASSITEJ World Congress 2024


The ITYARN conference submission deadline has been extended to October 25, 2023.

NOTE: US citizens CAN travel to Cuba. The reason will be professional research and professional meetings. You will receive an official invitation and the congress and festival fees will be collected by ASSITEJ.

US citizens CANNOT use their credit cards and need to bring cash for food and transport etc.

You are also NOT allowed to stay in government-run hotels. ASSITEJ will identify some convenient choices, which you can book and pay for through hotels.com. Most are refundable for a small fee.

🌎🌍🌏 Havana, Cuba

🗓 24 May - 1 June 2024 

Deadline Conference Papers: 25 October 2023 

More information>

Call for Puppet Workshops and Exhibition

Within the activities of the 21st ASSITEJ World Congress and Festival of Performing Arts to be held in Havana, Cuba, we wish to give space to puppet theatre, so El Arca, Teatro-Museo de Títeres, ASSITEJ Cuba, UNIMA Cuba and ASSITEJ International are launching two calls, one for workshops and one for an exhibition. Those interested must respond to the call as soon as possible. Proposals will be evaluated, and letters of invitation will be sent to those selected to participate.

View calls>

Leer en español>  

Call for Submissions to the ASSITEJ Magazine Online 2024

The ASSITEJ World Congress 2024 will be in Havana, Cuba, from 24 May - 1 June 2024, with the theme of Embodying Vision, which is the third theme in our overarching three-year dramaturgy of Regenerating.

The ASSITEJ Magazine continues to be online, you can view the previous versions from 2022 and 2023.

The magazine articles will be published in English and the original language of the author. We will create a magazine that communicates through images, film and text. Both visuals and text should address the theme, Regenerating: embodying vision. We aim to regularly update this online magazine with new articles from January 2024 until the opening of the Congress in May 2024.

View full call>

ASSITEJ Regional Workshops

Babel - or The Art of Listening in TYA

ASSITEJ International is partner in ‘Babel – or The Art of Listening in TYA’ project, which engages the global ASSITEJ membership through a series of regional workshops. 

The last two regional workshops have been held in Johannesburg, South Africa and Sao Paolo, Brazil. These were held during the festivals Cradle of Creativity and Paidea. View images from the workshop activities and discussions.



Maas International Theatre Festival 2024

Maas Foundation

Maas Foundation which is the co-founder of ASSITEJ Pakistan is delighted to announce an open call for international applications to be part of the colorful and vibrant Maas International Theatre Festival 2024 which will be conducted from 24 - 27 April 2024 at the cultural hub and heart of Pakistan, the city of Lahore. The deadline is approaching and although we already have received plenty of applications consisting of wonderful theatre productions from all over the world, still this call is open for everyone. The deadline will not be extended. The call is open for all nationalities and countries. At this festival you will witness theatre performances, theatre workshops from experts and gurus and seminars regarding the theatre world and fraternity.

🌎🌍🌏 Lahore, Pakistan

🗓 24 - 27 April 2024

Deadline: 30 October 2023

More information>

Open Call: Delegates for K-PANY 2024


ASSITEJ Korea is seeking delegates – TYA practitioners, administrators, and researchers from all countries – to K-PANY 2024 which runs alongside our Winter Festival in Seoul, Korea.

K-PANY, the Korea international Performing Arts Network for Youth, is an international platform including performances, conferences, and networking for domestic and foreign TYA professionals. Delegates get opportunities to watch ten outstanding Korean TYA performances selected for our winter festival and meet Korean TYA professionals to build a network during their stay in Seoul. 

ASSITEJ Korea will offer: registration, show tickets, networking events, accommodation, and some meals. 

🌎🌍🌏 Seoul, Korea

🗓 10 - 13 January 2024 

Deadline: 23 October 2023

More information> 

Opening Doors Next Generation Placement

Cwmni Theatr Arad Goch 

Gŵyl Agor Drysau | Opening Doors Festival, organised by Cwmni Theatr Arad Goch, is Wales' international theatre festival for young audiences. There is an opportunity for an individual to join the festival team for two months to assist with organising the festival. Fee and accommodation included. 

🌎🌍🌏 Aberystwyth, Wales

🗓 January - March 2024 

Deadline: 17 November 2023

More info & application>

Pop the Vote!

Culture Action Europe

We are looking for Changemakers!

#PoptheVoteEU officially launches its Open Call for Changemakers.

  • 18-30 years old
  • Young artists, student artists and/or cultural workers
  • Must reside in one of the following participating countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. (Note: You do not need to be a citizen of any of the Pop the Vote countries, but you do need to be a resident in one of them.)

Deadline: 15 October 2023

Apply here!

News from around the world
WLPG at the AAG in Serbia

Write Local. Play Global

WLPG is delighted to be working with the festival organizers on three events.

In coordination with IIAN, one event is a conversation and exploration of playwriting by, for, and about persons with disabilities or neurodiversity.

The other two are 'playwright slams', in which writers speak short monologues that they've written related to the festival's 'Turning Point' theme, with a special emphasis on emerging writers from the region. 

More updates from the network>

Small size is strongly heading towards AAG23 Turning Point

 Small Size

On Monday 20, we will participate in the big Conference Day and talk about our research on Children as Agents in different parts of the world.

On Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 the Masterclass led by Karel Van Ransbeeck will take place: Thinking About the Artistic Creation for Early Years - the call continues open until 30 October. 

During Turning Point, 'Small Size: Virtual House' will be open for all to learn, to meet, to watch and to discuss online. Small Size has a new Community Builder, Giovana Del Masso, who will oversee 'Small Size: Virtual House' and make connections happen.

Read more>

Good Morning Ideas

Young Dance Network  

A series of three morning sessions during the upcoming ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering taking place in Serbia in November.

We are looking for YDN members who are interested in sharing a practice, a warm-up, or a crafted way to start the day together in movement.

In the spirit of peer-to-peer exchange, two selected facilitators will be paired up to co-lead one session.

The Good Morning Ideas sessions should be accessible and open to all levels and all ages and shall be 45 minutes in duration. 


🌎🌍🌏 Novi Sad, Serbia

🗓 21 - 23 November 2023 

Deadline: 25 October 2023

View call>

Export/Import Festival Programme

La montagne magique & BRONKS

La montagne magique and BRONKS are pleased to announce the complete EXPORT/IMPORT FESTIVAL programme. For this new edition, bring your curiosity and your enthusiasm because it's going to be a lively one! Theatre, puppetry, dance, object theatre, circus and performance for all ages, brought to you by artists from Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Spain, South Africa, Switzerland, The Netherlands… 

As part of the festival, La montagne magique and BRONKS, in collaboration with ASSITEJ Belgium, are organising an afternoon dedicated to Flemish, French and German-language dramaturgies.

🌎🌍🌏 Brussels, Belgium

🗓 9 - 12 November 2023

More information>

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FATEJ 2023

 ASSITEJ Cameroon

FATEJ 2023 African Theatre Festival for Children and Young People will take place in Yaoundé, Cameroon, from 1 - 8 December 2023.

The theme this year will be: How Theatre Can Contribute to Solve Human Conflicts in Africa.

We will have performances, workshops, a roundtable, and professional meetings (Rainbow meeting, African meeting, and Cameroonian meeting hosted by ASSITEJ Cameroon)

Participating guests of honour will be from Belgium and France.

Participating African companies are from South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Benin, Togo, DRC, and Cameroon.

More information & programme>

Call for International Guests: Safe Place Festival 2024


Safe Place Festival invites professional delegates who are interested in visiting the one-of-a-kind festival for relaxed performances in Tel Aviv.

For the 6th edition of the festival, we would like to invite colleagues, artists, facilitators and anyone who finds interest in inclusive work in TYA, to come to our festival.

Safe Place Festival is an opportunity to engage live in the field of inclusive theatre and to immerse and explore this incredible growing field.

We offer free entrance to the shows, professional encounters and daily discussions and reflections during the festival, introducing the unique approach of Safe Place. 

🌎🌍🌏 Tel-Aviv, Israel

🗓 24 - 26 April 2024 

More information>

First meeting of the Small Countries Network

Small Countries Network

From 25 - 28 October 2023, the delegates of the small European states of Cyprus, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and San Marino will meet in Liechtenstein for collaborative meetings, artistic exchange and the multidisciplinary show "SAHASA" from Luxembourg. Additionally, two young adults from each small country will participate in a Next Generation project under the direction of choreographer Jill Crovisier. 

More information on the network>

ASSITEJ Germany Publishes Study Results on Independent Performing Arts for Young Audiences

 ASSITEJ Germany

The evaluation study of the funding program 'NEUSTART KULTUR – Junges Publikum' deals with the socio-economic situation of independent theatres for children and young people. In the latest issue of ixypsilonzett with the title "Wie macht ihr das?!" (How do you do that?!), these are presented and discussed.

This study is the first and only one to deal with this topic to this extent. Available only in German language order here.

More news from Germany>

FIET 2023


FIET (Children and Youth Theater Fair of the Balearic Islands) is held in October in Vilafranca de Bonany (Majorca). Since its birth in 2002, FIET has been consolidating as one of the most important meetings in the sector. Today, it is considered one of the national reference fairs for performing arts for children and young audiences.

FIET brings together more than 200 performing arts professionals and about 20,000 spectators.

ASSITEJ Spain collaborates in professional meetings and participates by presenting the new portal of Performing Arts for Children and Youth of Spain and the latest publishing news. 

🌎🌍🌏 Majorca, Spain

🗓 19 - 22 October 202 

More information>

Leer en español>

Save the Date: IDEA World Congress


SAVE THE DATE: the 10th IDEA World Congress will take place in Beijing, China, from 15-20 July 2024!

The Congress will be organized by IDEAC, an IDEA member and Chinese drama/theatre education association.

The IDEA General Council Meeting will be organized as part of the Congress. You can also expect Special Interest Groups discussions, workshops, paper presentations, the Young IDEA project and many more activities!

Stay tuned for more updates on their website.


September 2023 Festivals in Brazil


Three Festivals/showcases took place in September in Brazil, bringing together artists from different regions of the country, as well as abroad, in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Niterói: 17th Paideia International TYA Festival- a Window to Utopia, 2nd CBTIJ Repertory Showcase, and 16th Niterói em Cena International Theatre Festival.

More information>

FIET 2023

Blickfelder Festival 

Who doesn't know them, the bizarre, funny figures that are created by several people together? They draw one after the other but do not know what the previous person has drawn. This playful method, also called "cadavre exquis", was invented by the surrealists in the 1920s. It gives space to spontaneity without what is widespread in the adult world: critical thinking. Just draw together and let yourself be surprised! Blickfelder Festival draws attention to these wonderful moments and invites you between 18 September and 18 October 2023 to draw and shape Blickfelder Festival 2024! 

Visit www.blickfelder.ch 

ASSITEJ International

Nørregade 26, 1165 Copenhagen K