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  • 뉴스레터
  • 2024년 3월
  • 아시테지 세계본부 뉴스레터 No.151 (2024년 3월호)
  • 조회수 : 456

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Foto by Nelson Álvarez. Audiences attending a performance from “Titirivida”, from Pinar del río, Cuba.

 By Jon Dafydd-Kidd, EC Member of ASSITEJ International

In the timeless words of A.A. Milne, “Piglet noticed that even though he had a very small heart, it could hold a rather large amount of gratitude.”

It's a sentiment that beautifully mirrors the essence of our work: small stages with the power to hold vast, diverse worlds, teaching us the invaluable lesson of celebrating our differences. As we approach the World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People on March 20th, I find myself holding the unique role theatre plays in bridging divides, especially in times marked by conflict and strife (if you have not read Sue Giles’s World Day Message yet, you can do so here).

For me, March 20th is not just a day to reflect and build attention for our cause. But a reminder of the transformative power of theatre in the lives of children across the globe, offering solace, healing, and, importantly, a space where differences are not just accepted, but celebrated.

This year, I’m inviting you to train your focus and go beyond the joy of performance to embrace a theme that is as urgent as it is necessary - the intersections of sustainability with access and inclusion. The stories we choose to tell on stage reflect and comment on our world and its future. A future where every child, regardless of their circumstances, has a ‘seat’ in the audience. This commitment is not just about the physical environment of our theatres but about nurturing a culture that values and practices sustainability in how and who gets to experience the magic of theatre; too often access is responsive, and not planned to be sustained.

You, our members – the heartbeat of this global family, a collective of dreamers and doers, of creators and custodians of children’s theatre – you are the torchbearers. Your work shines as a beacon of hope, uniting us in crafting a world where each child can see their reflection in the stories told.

“The things that make me different are the things that make me, me.” - A. A. Milne

For me, this March our call to action is clear: to use this day not just as a celebration but to Catch the Wave of change. To champion stories that explore, embrace and celebrate difference, and to ensure planned, sustainable and equitable access. In our Umbrella sessions on March 13th, you shared how you will be marking the World Day, but this goes beyond a single day. This is about carrying that energy 365 days.

As the journey to Havana grows for this May’s World Congress, we carry with us the stories of the children we've connected with and the ones we aim to reach. Havana will not just be a meeting point but a melting pot of ideas; a gathering of minds and hearts, a place to share, learn, and dream together.

Our work is more than entertainment; it's a bridge to understanding, a teacher of empathy, and a builder of worlds where every child knows they belong.


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News from ASSITEJ International
ASSITEJ World Congress Updates Online!

Check out updates on the Professional Exchange Programme, International and Cuban Productions, Access Passes, Travel Information, and more!

Visit website>

🌎🌍🌏 Havana, Cuba

🗓 24 May - 1 June 2024


World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People 2024


ASSITEJ World Day of Theatre for Children & Young People is an ASSITEJ campaign promoted and celebrated through the message ‘Take a Child to the Theatre, Today’.

Make sure to view this year's messages by Sue Giles, President of ASSITEJ International, and children from Cuba and Brazil, and download the logos!

🌎🌍🌏 Worldwide!

🗓 20 March 2024

2024 Messages and logos>


Perform Europe 2023–2026 Cross-Border Touring

Perform Europe


Perform Europe is calling for performing arts project proposals from arts professionals and organisations in the 40 Creative Europe countries.

The call invites partnerships of minimum three partners from three different Creative Europe countries to propose innovative ideas for touring and presenting work across borders, generating real change with focus on one or both of the Perform Europe priorities:

  • inclusion and diversity
  • fight against climate change.

Applications by partnerships from and with areas and communities that are currently underrepresented within the performing arts landscape are strongly encouraged.


Deadline: 31 March 2024 

More information>

Opportunity for Playwrights to Attend the Festival "Voices of A New World " in Havana, Cuba

 WLPG & ASSITEJ Ibero-American Network  

Write Local Play Global, the Playwrights Network of ASSITEJ, together with Iberoassitej the Iberoamerican Network of Performing Arts for Children and Youth and ASSITEJ Cuba are working on the organisation of the traditional Playwrights Slam. This is a space for the meeting and reading of dramatic texts for Children and Youth in the framework of the XXI ASSITEJ Congress and Festival "Voices of a New World" that will take place in Havana from 24 May to 2 June 2024.

The Playwrights' Slam is not a competition but readings of 3-minute fragments that the playwrights do of their own plays (already written or in the process of being written). These readings may address different genres (theatre - monologues - playwriting for puppets, and others).

Deadline: 31 March 2024

🌎🌍🌏 Havana, Cuba

🗓 24 May - 2 June 2024

More information>  

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News from around the world
Hang Out With Next Generation Alumni

Next Generation

The hangout aims to create a space for ongoing communication and collaboration among Next Generation Residency alumni and friends. We invite all alumni participating in Next Generation Residencies organized by ASSITEJ centres and friends interested in the programme to share their ideas, thoughts, feelings, opinions, and information with their colleagues.

🌎🌍🌏 ZOOM

🗓 3 April 2024

More information>


A Play of Sustainability: Crafting Future-Proof Accessible Performances

 Sustainability Section

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." - The Lorax by Dr. Seuss

In our world of performance, we're often caught in a drama of our own: a delicate balancing act of creating art that's both sustainable and accessible. The stage is set with challenges, notably the perception that prioritising one means sacrificing the other due, often due to budgets. But what if this isn't a zero-sum game? What if, instead of viewing sustainability and access as backstage rivals, we see them as co-stars in the grand production of impactful art? 

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11th Theatre Biennial for Children and Youth in Kaposvár

 ASSITEJ Hungary

Organized between May 6 and 10, 2024, the 11th International Theatre Biennial for Children and Youth in Kaposvár, Hungary, offers an exceptionally rich programme with 25 Hungarian and international performances and various professional activities.

On top of the 22 national and transborder productions selected in the competition programme, the five-day-long festival features further international shows by renowned European theatre companies. STILL Theatre Group from Cyprus brings their production STILL!, while Ljubljana Puppet Theater from Slovenia shares Tunnel with the Hungarian audiences.

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Bibu Performing Arts Festival 2024


Young Swedstage will take place at Bibu Performing Arts Festival for children and youth in Helsingborg from 15 -18 May.

Bibu 2024 will have a Nordic-Baltic focus. Through performances, seminars, workshops, and meetings Bibu aims to strengthen collaboration, networking, and local international touring. The decision to highlight the Nordic-Baltic countries comes from a desire to promote more sustainable touring models and to truly showcase the amazing theatre for young audiences (TYA) of the region.

🌎🌍🌏 Helsingborg, Sweden

🗓 15 - 18 May 2024 

More information on Young Swedstage>

More information on Nordic-Baltic focus>

ASSITEJ Spain Circuit 2024: Catalogue of Shows


The ASSITEJ Circuit is a network that promotes and supports the programming of quality proposals aimed at children and young people throughout Spain, with a focus on mediation, participation, accessibility, and inclusion. This ensures that theater spaces and companies tailor their work to the needs of the audience.

ASSITEJ Spain is pleased to share this catalogue of shows with you, serving as a reference for performing arts for children and youth in our country.

More information>

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ASSITEJ Uruguay Theatre Festival for Children & Youth

 ASSITEJ Uruguay

Once more this year, ASSITEJ Uruguay organises its Theatre Festival for Children and Youth in April, commemorating the World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People celebrated on 20 March. After the success achieved in 2023, at the Florencio Sánchez Theatre, it returns to the same venue to reach all schools in the area. Admission will be free.

Dossier en español>

Theatrical Revolution for Young Minds

ASSITEJ Zimbabwe

In a ground-breaking move ahead of the World Day of Theatre commemorations to be held under the theme Take a Child to the Theatre, ASSITEJ Zimbabwe has joined hands with the arts mother body, National Arts Council of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Theatre Academy, Pica, Jasen Mpepo Little Theatre, Pastime Trust, LITFEST, SWWA and Heritage Village.

🌎🌍🌏 Zimbabwe

🗓 20 - 27 March 2024 

More information & programme>

Save the Dates: TARTU 2024 – European Capital of Culture!


We are happy to be part of the TARTU 2024 main program to represent the newest and most diverse theater for children and young people from Estonia and abroad. 

NAKS Festival is a meeting place for theater makers and performers, producers, festival organizers, researchers and experts, teachers, parents and young people from Estonia and abroad to experience, discuss, share knowledge, learn and talk more closely about theater for young audiences. It is also a meeting place for the Nordic-Baltic Assitej Network (NBAN) to meet regional colleagues and visitors all over the world. 

🌎🌍🌏 Tartu, Estonia

🗓 5 - 9 November 2024

More information>

Edinburgh International Children’s Festival


The Edinburgh International Children's Festival (run by Imaginate) is a great place for programmers, producers and artists to see and discuss high-quality work, discover new talents and network with peers from all over the world.

As well as 14 international productions, the Festival includes a delegate events programme. In order to increase access, there is also a digital delegate programme alongside the live programme.  

🌎🌍🌏 Edinburgh, Scotland

🗓 25 May - 2 June 2024

More information>


New Study Explores Culture-Education Nexus for Sustainable Development


ACP-EU Culture

ACP-EU CULTURE is thrilled to announce the release of their recent study titled “Shaping Futures: Arts, culture, and education as drivers of sustainable development”.

By focusing on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Global Citizenship Education (GCED), the research is championing holistic instruction that equips learners with the skills needed to tackle global challenges.

Read more>


Mexico celebrates the 16th Great Theatre Marathon for Children and Youth

Red Miradas Mexico


In commemoration of the World Theatre Day for Children and Young People, the 16th Great Theatre Marathon offers performances on Saturday, 23 March and Sunday, 24 March, starting at 11:00 am at the Centro Cultural del Bosque and Jardín Escénico.

For the third consecutive year, all the country's states will join the celebration, presenting at least one play in each state.

🌎🌍🌏 Mexico City, Mexico

🗓 23 & 24 March 2024

More information>

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ASSITEJ International

Via Giacomo Matteotti, 16, 40129 Bologna BO, Italy