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  • 뉴스레터
  • 2022년 7월
  • 아시테지 세계본부 뉴스레터 No.133
  • 조회수 : 740

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 Searching: Movements in Helsingborg
Julia Dina Heße, member of the Executive Committee of ASSITEJ


When Bibu Biennial & ASSITEJ Sweden created their pitch for becoming the host for an Assitej Artistic Gathering, they made a choice: they decided to follow the call of the agenda for 2030 by the United Nations that is “Leave no one behind“. This claim is connected to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals that were articulated and approved by all member countries in the world.

The idea of Sustainable Development is pretty familiar to artists and audiences in Sweden and most of Europe, since the most famous representative of the sustainability movement is young Swedish woman Greta Thunberg. However, it can be less common or differently interpreted in other parts of the world.

A huge challenge for the Artistic Gathering 2022 was not only to find a way to communicate and describe a shared understanding of the topic but also, even more ambitiously, to offer links and bridges for TYA practitioners who want to embrace the changes and duties of sustainable theatre art and practice.

At the Bibu festival in Helsingborg this May, these actions of searching and exploring for ways and means could be experienced in different dimensions. On the most obvious level that comes to mind hearing the word “sustainability“ Bibu worked on their emissions and environmental footprint together with Bæredygtig Scenekunst NU from Denmark. They instigated several practical measures including encouraging all their guests to drink Swedish tab water out of the designed Bibu Bottles or to reach the different venues not only by walking or public transports but by a rented Bibu Festival bike as some of my colleagues happily did. Also, there were no printed festival programs except for those that had been required explicitly, so no unnecessary resources were wasted. Everyone interested in “greening“ their practice could also attend a workshop by Bæredygtig Scenekunst during the festival and learn about sustainable ways of producing in theatre.

In addition to this ecological dimension the Artistic Gathering put a lot of thought into the social and cultural meaning and potential for a sustainable movement by placing the topic on stage. The selected international program showed exclusively Indigenous creations from Indigenous practitioners in 6 different countries. With this focus Bibu made it possible for festival guests not only to experience exciting and fascinating shows, it also gave non-Indigenous TYA makers a chance to “catch up“ - as Jacob Boehme, member of the selection jury, perfectly put it - on Indigenous art, performing methods, storytelling and touring. The session “Remapping indigenous presence on stage“ moderated by Åsa Simma, director at Giron Sámi Teáhter, with colleagues Santa Lalonde (Canada), Jacob Boehme (Australia), Eddie Elliot and Tupe Lualua (New Zealand) offered a most interesting start for this.

Being no fan of the term “development“ and also slightly irritated by the idea of “leaving someone behind“ (as it gives the impression that there is one correct path into some correct direction towards some correct big goal), I enjoyed joining those sessions and shows in Helsingborg that made it clear that this isn’t their nor our concept of Assitej at all.

It is about being able to make choices and enable others to have the same chance. It is about searching for alternatives to the “given", questioning ourselves and learning from a variety of communities and cultures how they define our journey, our paths and our possible goals. Definitions, paths and goals that are different and various but still connect us.

In this sense Moussa Thiam, director and theatre activist from Senegal, shared a beautiful thought in the Workshop “Inter-Generational“: A dialogue on fairness for future“. In his opinion all artists are very good in making detours. They can be slowed down or paused by obstacles and borders but they will always find or create some hidden or new path around those obstacles and hence will never be stopped.

In the wide range of seminars and workshops connecting sustainability with accessibility and social justice, as well as in the Artistic Encounters – the special series of open-space-style seminars that is the core of every ASSITEJ Gathering - it became clear that we as a TYA community are ready to embrace the change that is needed if we want to ensure a future for all of us and especially those that come after us. This also was the tone in the wonderful session by the Theatre for Young Audiences Research Network that became an open, friendly dialogue with all people in the space and those online, about how we can share our practice and research to learn from each other and work between disciplines.

The last Artistic Encounter that ended with a vote on the five most urgent actions  in terms of sustainability  for us as Assitej International. Taking the inspirations and goals from this session, I am very much looking forward to two more years of REGENERATING in the sense of our three-year dramaturgy, and connecting with all those voices we could hear and feel in Helsingborg when we meet again in Serbia in 2023.

Leer en español > | Lire en français > | 

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News from ASSITEJ International
Thank you for participating in ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2022 & Bibu Biennial!

Bibu, ASSITEJ Sweden and ASSITEJ International thanks all of you who participated on ground and online. More than 1200 participants from 5 continents participated in the many seminars and attended the 36 productions.

Read articles from the event on assitejonline.org



Job opportunity in ASSITEJ!

We are recruiting a Project Producer & Co-ordinator to be part of the staff of ASSITEJ and to work closely with the Executive Committee to implement a wide range of projects. Important projects that will develop and support performing arts for young audiences in the years to come! 

Deadline: 11 July 2022

Read more >  Lire en français >  

Join the Sustainability Commitee of ASSITEJ

ASSITEJ has formed a Sustainability Committee in order to develop the way ASSITEJ International tackles this important topic and global concern, and to inspire the TYA sector to develop our theatre making and organisational operations in more sustainable ways. If you have competencies in this area, or important perspectives to bring to the table please write to Julia Dina Heße from the Executive Committee of ASSITEJ: juliadinahesse@assitej.de

The committee is made up of members of the Executive Committee, the hosts of the ASSITEJ Artistic Gatherings & World Congress, and artists and managers from our TYA sector world-wide.

We are especially seeking contributions from the global south.

Diversity in Production and Programming
ASSITEJ Coffee Session

Save the dates for our next ASSITEJ Coffee Session!

The topic of the conversation will be Diversity in Production and Programming.

🌍 Online
🗓 21 September 2022 
at 9am & 4pm CET. 

Choose the session that fits your time zone. 

See your time zones & register




Report: The 20th ASSITEJ World Congress & International Performing Arts Festival for Children and Young People/MIRAI Festival

The report of the ASSITEJ World Congress last year gives you insights into the scope of this ground breaking event made during COVID lockdowns.

ASSITEJ International is deeply thankful for the work done by ASSITEJ Japan and all other collaborators to make this important event possible, which attracted 1169 users online from 75 countries and 5223 audiences on the ground.

Report (English)  > Report (Japanese) > 

Fundraising campaign
Support ASSITEJ Ukraine & the children they serve

ASSITEJ International is collecting funds to support ASSITEJ Ukraine and their activities in Lviv, Odessa, and Kyiv.

If you donate, you will be supporting:

  • Children and young people of Ukraine to experience performing arts, assisting healing for emotional and psychological damage caused by war;
  • Parents, relatives, and carers of children and young people towards recovery from the effects of war, through the arts.
  • Professionals of the performing arts to maintain their livelihoods.

You will provide finances for:

  • Fees for actors, stage directors, drama educators, videographers, scenographers, technicians, psychologists and coordinators
  • Materials (including music equipment, paper, fabric, props, video cameras, and live streaming equipment.)
  • Means for ASSITEJ Ukraine to continue to coordinate, promote and develop this project;

ASSITEJ International has a mission to promote theatre for children and young people everywhere and to unify practitioners in this field. When a Member is under duress and needs support from the global community, many fellow members want to help. As a community, we do what we can, knowing that conflict everywhere impacts children and young people and destroys families.

Directors in TYA 2023 – Call for Applications

ASSITEJ Germany 

ASSITEJ Germany invites ASSITEJ Centres and Networks to nominate candidates for “Directors in TYA” taking place June 18-25th 2023 at Hessisches Landestheater Marburg.  If you are a a director and wish to participate please contact your National Centre or ASSITEJ Networks.

Deadline for nominations: 1 October 2022

🌎🌍🌏 Marburg, Germany
🗓 18 – 25 June 2023

Read more

Atelier for Young Festival Managers Nicosia, Cyprus – Open call for applications: conflict regions

The Festival Academy


The Festival Academy is receiving applications from festival makers from conflict regions for a 7-day Atelier from 7-13 October in Nicosia, Cyprus.

Up to 8 selected applicants from conflict regions (Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria, Palestine, Ethiopia, Yemen, DR Congo, etc.) will have their participation fee and international travel costs covered. 

Deadline for applications: 13 July 2022.

🌎🌍🌏 Nicosia, Cyprus.
🗓 7 – 13 October 2022


More info > 



ASSITEJ Pakistan announces call for applications – 4th Next Generation Theatre Residency Program 2023

ASSITEJ Pakistan  


The next Generation Residency Program brings emerging artists together to share, exchange, learn and present. The program will have a showcase of projects and works, discussion sessions, development of collaborative performances and performance showcase.

If you are an emerging artist, storyteller, or theatre-maker with an interest in TYA; this is the opportunity for you to learn, work and collaborate with artists


🌎🌍🌏 Lahore, Pakistan
🗓 8 – 18 February 2023

Application Deadline: 30 September 2022


Trallallero's International Open Call


Teatro al Quadrato presents an international call for the twelfth edition of Trallallero international festival of theatre and culture for young audiences.

The international call is dedicated to European companies, and will allow two companies to represent their shows during the festival and participate in workshops and international meetings.

Deadline: 8 July 2022

🌎🌍🌏 Artegna. Italy
🗓 8 - 16 October 2022

Read more >

Neapolis International Festival of Kids Theatre Nabeul -Tunisia

The 35th session of the Neapolis International Festival of Kid’s Theatre Nabeul – Tunisia, organized by Association Neapolis International Festival, aims to promote theater for children and young audiences with regard to its vital role in the socializing process.

It offers the opportunity for Tunisian and foreign participating companies to launch and / or strengthen the cultural exchange through the scenic arts and through representations, meetings, symposia, round tables and workshops as well as training.

Deadline for applications to participate: 30 July 2022.

🌎🌍🌏 Nabeul, Tunisia.
🗓 17 – 27 December 2022


More info > 



MArteLive Europe

Are you between 18 and 35 years old? 

• Are you a European citizen and /or resident?
• Are you an artist in one of our 16 artistic disciplines?
Then don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity!
Gain international exposure, network with fellow artists and high professionals, live the unforgettable experience of an Art Residency, win attractive prizes, featuring and collaborations – and win a ticket to Rome!

The “Call for artists” phase for the MArteLive Europe 2022 contest has now started. 

Application Deadline: 15 July 2022


News from around the world
ASSITEJ SA celebrated their 15 Years!

From a volunteer team driven by passion to an organisation that now employs over 1800 people in part-time and full-time employment, across the country. 

To celebrate this incredible journey on Saturday 2nd July, ASSITEJ SA hosted 90 children from around Makhanda and other invited guests.

Read more >





Book Release: Cultural Policy for Arts Education

"Cultural Policy for Arts Education" is an important and inspiring book that has just been released. Among the contributors are the ASSITEJ honorary Presidents Yvette Hardie & Wolfgang Schneider. You can read the book for free online or buy a hard copy. 



CulturEU funding web tool and guide

A new tool for cultural stakeholders to navigate available funding opportunities for culture in EU programmes for the period 2021-2027. Over 75 funding opportunities are 3 clicks away.  

Printable version of the guide
Interactive online webtool

2022 ASSITEJ Korea International Summer Festival


The festival will be held from July 20th to 31st at Arko Arts Theater – Main Hall / Small Hall.

The theme of this festival is “Touch and Connect,” with the anticipation of meeting after the pandemic.

This festival will featured 2 overseas performances, 3 Korean performances, and 4 pieces (2 performances) created to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Children’s Day in Korea.

Read more



*ricca ricca*festa Japan shares the performance recordings from 2021 & invites you to the 2022 edition



Ricca ricca*festa 2021, International Theater Festival OKINAWA for Young Audiences organised by ACO Okinawa, was held from 4-12 January 2022.

Many of you may not have been able to attend due to the Corona pandemic, so we have selected some of the productions performed during the festival and will distribute them worldwide for a limited time, until the end of July 2022. 

See the recordings >

Visit the festival website  >


Article Section
Knowledge - Experiences - Reflections
A Theatre Pedagogy of My Own

by Kirtana Kumar

The development of my pedagogical principles, which I practise today with Theatre Lab (Youth), began with my daughter when she was about six years old. I wanted to play with her and her classmates, so we mucked about with the witches from Macbeth. I gave them a big rasam pot, and with paper and colour pencils we made an eye of a newt, a toe of frog. Then the little girls, dressed in witches hats, frolicked in the outdoors one dark night.

It has been more than two decades since then, and a lot has grown. Today, my students would challenge why these animals had to be tortured for the witches to have some fun. Plus, why do only girls get to be witches? Who are these witches anyway? Are they gendered? Ha! How did young people get so persnickety? I guess the fault lies with democracy, post colonialism and modernism.

from the 2022 digital ASSITEJ Magazine

Read the article
ASSITEJ International

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