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  • 뉴스레터
  • 2019년 9월
  • 아시테지 세계본부 뉴스레터 No.112
  • 조회수 : 780

Confronting the present, as they said
By François Fogel, Vice President of ASSITEJ

Thanks to the engagement of ASSITEJ Norway, the Nordic - Baltic network and their supports, 600 professionals of performing arts for young people attended the ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2019 in Kristiansand, in the best possible conditions: an inclusive space, where people's contributions are strongly supported, and nourished by high quality performances. Of course, Norway is far up north, and everyone can't just buy a ticket and join in. But in its long history, ASSITEJ has organized big and smaller meetings in as many places as possible across the world. Geographical diversity is secured each time at least in the essential: that the artistic program must offer half local and half foreign performances, from all the continents. Organizers always arrange reduced prices to those coming from a low-income region. Next Generation cohorts - in Kristiansand, as always, the shiniest feature - gather young artists in a genuine melting pot, thanks to the money paid by the inviting festival and ASSITEJ's members. And for those who can participate, the Project group of the Executive committee, responsible for preparing the sessions of Artistic Encounters, deploys the finest methods of collective thinking, in order to give everyone a voice.

Yet, so many efforts to encourage plurality and spontaneity have consequences. In this respect, the 4th and last part of the Artistic encounters, dedicated to sustainability, went beyond our expectations, as the participants, including a group of teenagers from a local school, mischievously reminded us of the very contemporary nature of TYA. Young people: our audience, the talented ones who stand up for the climate by the millions around the world, to as far as the United Nations General Assembly. Young artists and producers, asking for a theatre reconnected with ecology and social responsibility. "Let's create a bank for re-using settings, props and costumes". "Let's organize rationalized tours". "Let's play outdoors". "Let's do yoga at work". "Let's address the place of the arts in urban planning". Suddenly, there was a new topic, and we all felt it has to be handled seriously, and over the long term. Sustainability isn't just cool. It is a big question mark over all our professional practices, and as theatre-makers we are generally more used to addressing the issues with all other people, but ourselves.

Needless to say that the carbon footprint is an even deeper challenge for ASSITEJ, a global association with members in 100 countries, preparing a world congress in Tokyo. Of all the European delegates in Kristiansand, only one dared to come by train. We have new questions and no answers, and we love it.

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Wrapping up the Artistic Gathering 2019
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ASSITEJ International / ASSITEJ Norway
The ASSITEJ Magazine is out!

This is the annual ASSITEJ magazine, launched during our Artistic Gathering 2019 in Kristiansand, Norway. It contains high-quality articles on theatre for young audiences from all corners of the world! 

The magazine is the referential publication of ASSITEJ. Being released at the occasion of an annual meeting, either a Congress, or an Artistic Gathering, it is published in cooperation between ASSITEJ International, and the national centre organising the event.

Read the magazine here!

ASSITEJ Norway / ASSITEJ International
Revisit the Artistic Gathering!

Dialogue – The Community Performance Network collaborated with ASSITEJ at this year’s Artistic Gathering to document the conversations, workshops, and performances on offer in Kristiansand.  

Some of the events have also been livestreamed, thanks to our cooperation with Howlround!

This means that, even if you were unable to attend the Artistic Gathering in person, you need not miss out on all of the world-class knowledge, expertise, and skills that were on display in Kristiansand.

Discover the documentation

Zooming out on our global impact

Executive Director of TYA/USA Jonathan Shmidt Chapman shares his reflections on attending his first ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering in Norway.

"I must admit that I rarely consider how we fit into a larger ecosystem beyond our borders. My perspective was completely changed after attending my first ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering this past month in Kristiansand, Norway. (...)

Through the range of ASSITEJ programming, I was able to contextualize the issues across the global TYA field alongside the geopolitical realities facing us all." 

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About not taking the plane to Kristiansand

Marijke De Moor, Secretary of ASSITEJ Belgium, wanted to see if she could travel to Norway in a more sustainable way.  

"I didn’t want to fly there (...). The main reason was to reduce my overall footprint and to reduce the ecological impact of this trip. 

I also think that we should put into practice the principles of ‘reframing the international’ that we propagate … We talk about it so much, but in the meantime we continue flying.
But first and foremost: I fully realise how privileged I am …" 

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Nominate a researcher or a playwright!

Every three years, at the ASSITEJ World Congress, we host an award ceremony celebrating theatre practitioners, researchers and playwrights

You can nominate candidates for the Geesche Wartemann Emerging Scholars Award and the ASSITEJ Inspirational Playwrights Award! The nominees for the other two awards are chosen by our members (the national centres and networks).  


⏰ Deadline: 15 November 2019

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ASSITEJ Japan / ASSITEJ International
Open call: Professional programme at the ASSITEJ World Congress


MIRAI Festival: 2020 International Performing Arts Festival for Children and Young People in Japan / the 20th ASSITEJ World Congress “Towards the Unknown –Beginning the Journey”, is seeking proposals for workshops, practical demonstrations, presentations, seminars, and symposia. 
Proposals are open to performing arts practitioners, administrators and researchers from all countries.

⏰ Deadline: 7 October 2019
🌏 Tokyo, JPN
🗓 14 – 24 May 2020

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Call for Papers: Beginning the Journey

ITYARN, the International Theatre for Young Audiences Research Network, is calling for proposals for the ITYARN event at the 20th ASSITEJ World Congress and Festival in Tokyo, Japan, in May 2020. The overall theme of the Congress and Festival is Towards the Unknown – Beginning the Journey.

⏰ Deadline: 18 October 2019
🌏 Tokyo, JPN
🗓 20 May 2020

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View all open calls

Discover various open calls concerning TYA!

Performing Arts Japan (PAJ) Programme for Europe Grants


The Japan Foundation is now accepting proposals for projects, which take place between 1st April 2020 and 30th June 2021, for Touring and Collaboration grants. PAJ Europe aims to revitalise and facilitate the exchange between leading artists in Europe and Japan. 


⏰ Deadline: 31 October
🌏 Europe + Japan
🗓 April – June 2020

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Call for Productions: Sharjah Fringe

United Arab Emirates 

In January 2020 the first Fringe Festival on the Pan-Arabian Peninsula will be held as the Sharjah International Fringe takes place. They are looking for productions, aimed at young people and families.

⏰ Deadline: 30 September
🌏 Sharjah, ARE
🗓 16 January – 1 February 2020

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Open Call: Delegates for K-PAP 2020


ASSITEJ Korea is excited to invite 15 guests – artists, programmers, directors and promoters – to K-PAP 2020!
K-PAP, Korean Performing Arts Platform for children and youth is an international platform for TYA professionals. 

⏰ Deadline: 29 September
🌏 Seoul, KOR
🗓 8 – 19 January 2020

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Small Size Network / Ireland
Fully Funded PhD Scholarship in Early Years Performance

Baboró International Arts Festival is inviting applicants for a fully funded scholarship, in collaboration with Branar Téatar do Pháistí & NUI Galway.

This PhD is an opportunity for a doctoral student to explore the area of the impact of live performance on early years children (0 – 6 years) in a national and/or international context.  

⏰ Deadline: 16 October 2016
🌍 Galway, IRL

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Small Size Network / ASSITEJ Italy
Open Call: Artists meet early years

 Artists meet Early years is an artistic professional development program organised within Visioni di futuro, visioni di teatro, the International Theater and Culture Festival for Early Childhood produced by La Baracca - Testoni Ragazzi.
Artists under 35 years can apply.


⏰ Deadline: 31 October 2019
🌍 Bologna, ITA
🗓 28 February – 8 March 2020

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TYA News from around the world
Engaging Hard-to-Reach Audiences at Polka Theatre for Children

A new report commissioned by Polka Theatre offers fresh insights into developing future theatre audiences. The report considers the outcomes from Polka’s three year Schools and Libraries Reach programme to find new ways for making theatre as accessible to as many children as possible no matter what their background.

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Small Size Network
September Updates

The Small Size Network shares past events like the first meeting of the Latin American Network of Scenic Creation for Early Years in Chile, the Grasshopper festival in Ireland, the Artistic Gathering and their General Assembly in Norway, and the upcoming celebrations of Teater Tre in Sweden.

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The fourth edition of ASSITEJ In-Forma arrives in Milan, a three-day workshop which offers a precious opportunity for training and confronting dedicated to artists and professionals.

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Upcoming Festivals
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Check out the upcoming festivals in the ASSITEJ network and beyond!



The ŻiguŻajg International Arts Festival for Children & Young People is excited to be offering two delegate packages during their Festival! 

🌍 Valletta, MLT
🗓 15 – 24 November 2019

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FITA Chile

ASSITEJ Chile Te Veo


The showcase FITA Chile will be a unique opportunity to discover the quality, diversity and international potential of the work for young audiences of the Iberoamerican companies


🌎 Santiago de Chile, CHL
🗓 2 – 5 November 2019

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International Children’s Culture Forum


The forum’s aims are to widen international co-operation and to deepen the shared understanding of the value base of children’s rights.



🌍 Tampere, FIN
🗓 30 September – 1 October 2019


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Barak Belgique


For the first time in history, a 100% Belgian performing arts festival for young audiences will be held in 3 Belgian cities, bringing you 15 state-of-the-art shows.  

🌍 Brussels | Ghent | Liège, BEL
🗓 8 – 11 November 2019

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