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  • 뉴스레터
  • 2019년 12월
  • 아시테지 세계본부 뉴스레터 No.115
  • 조회수 : 753



 Stages 2014 - 2020
By Daniel H Fernández, Vice President of ASSITEJ


In May, at the Tokyo Congress, a stage closes for me. After 6 years, I will no longer be part of the Executive Committee. I think about this fact and inevitably a kind of balance is imposed on me.

The first thing I want to do is to thank all the members of ASSITEJ, who trusted me during these six years as a member of the Executive Committee.

It was hard work but enriching. In addition to the difficulties inherent in working at an international level, which involves trying to contemplate different realities, not trying to unify them but to really understand them, there are the difficulties inherent in our developing countries, with their political and economic ideas and comings and goings and, personally, they had an extra plus in English as the language of communication, which, not being our first language, makes all communication have strong interferences.

I am very happy that my time in the EC has coincided with a time of consolidation of the Ibero-American Network and its members. From two candidates from the region who presented themselves at the congress in Warsaw in 2014 to 3 candidates at the congress in South Africa and we hope to have several at the next congress in Tokyo.

The Network's projects were multiplied, a fluid communication channel was achieved that makes thinking together as project generators more viable and concrete.

An Ibero American Festival, CBTIJ 25th years with Festival and Regional Workshops, the 6th TYA Researchers and Critics International Forum in Buenos Aires, the FITA in Chile and why not a future ASSITEJ Congress in the region, are some of our project for the future.

I am also happy to have been able to be part of the EC team that managed to establish an annual structure for the ASSITEJ Regional Workshops. The power of the creative encounters encourages networking. I believe that the formation and training of TYA professionals is an open door for the multiplication not only of theatre makers but also of ASSITEJ centres in the region and the world.

A regional workshop is being prepared in Brazil in April, and we are about to release the call for those centres that want to organize the regional workshop in 2021.

I believe that the Tokyo Congress opens a new period full of new challenges. Consolidate what has been done in order to move forward into the future. A future of more and more theatre for children and young people all over the world.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the ASSITEJ community a very Happy 2020 and see you in Tokyo.


Leer en español >>>

ASSITEJ Japan / ASSITEJ International
Call for Advertisements


We are glad to offer you an opportunity in our magazine that will help to make your work more visible to the global community! 

All delegates and participants at the Congress will receive a copy (around 1000 – 2000 delegates), more copies will be distributed by the different National Centres in their countries, and the digital version of the magazine has a very large online outreach.

Possibilities for: Full page, half a page, a quarter of a page and inside back cover.

⏰ Deadline: 10 February 2020

Lire en français >>>


Book your ads now! 

ASSITEJ Japan / ASSITEJ International
Accommodation at the 20th ASSITEJ World Congress & Performing Arts Festival / MIRAI 2020

The first accommodation options provided by the organisers will open 10 January 2020 for a limited period of time. 
Please find more information and make your bookings here.

Save the date!
18, 19, and 21 May 2020

ASSITEJ invites all members to take part in the General Assembly, during the 20th ASSITEJ World Congress in Tokyo, Japan. The dates of the Assembly are:

  • Monday 18 May 2020 (day one)
  • Tuesday 19 May 2020 (day two)
  • Thursday 21 May 2020 (day three)

The Congress takes places from 14th – 24th of May.
ASSITEJ members will soon receive more detailed information about the General Assembly, relevant deadlines and procedures.

View all open calls

Discover various open calls concerning TYA!

Call for Performances: Subotica International Children’s Theater Festival


All types of theatre for children are represented at the festival, with selection priority being given to puppet theatre expression.


⏰ Deadline: 15 March 2020
🌍 Subotica, SRB
 🗓 20 – 26 Septemebr 2020

Read the call >>>

Call for Performances: International Eskişehir Children and Youth Theatres Festival


 Growing each year and gaining an international identity, the festival has become popular and well-known, both in Turkey and around the world.

⏰ Deadline: 25 February 2020

🌍 Eskişehir, TUR
🗓 1 -7 June 2020

Read the call >>>

Children, Youth, and Performance Conference


The Children, Youth, and Performance Conference is accepting proposals for the third annual conference, held at the Young People’s Theatre in partnership with York University.

⏰ Deadline: 10 January 2020

🌍 Toronto, CAN
🗓 6 -7 June 2020

Read the call >>>


Call for Short Contributions from Emerging Scholars

Emerging scholars (early-career/pre-tenure scholars, graduate students, or scholar/artists) are invited to contribute a short original essay to the forthcoming “Companion to Drama in Education.” This volume will be a key resource for anyone researching, developing methodologies for, facilitating/teaching in, or studying Drama in Education.

⏰ Deadline: 15 January 2020

Read the call >>>

ASSITEJ Pakistan
3rd Next Generation Program Pakistan 2020

For the third time, Next Generation brings about 30 artists each year together, 15 from Pakistan and 15 international young theatre makers for one week to learn from each other and co-create short performances.

⏰ Deadline: 15 January 2020
🌏 Lahore, PAK
🗓 26 March – 4 April 2020

Read the call >>>

Next Generation @ BIBU


ASSITEJ Sweden and the Bibu Biennial invites 16 artists, critics, producers, researchers, from around the world to attend the Next Generation program at Bibu – biennial for children and youth in Helsingborg, Sweden, May 13th – 16th, 2020. 

⏰ Deadline: 1 February 2020
🌍 Helsinborg, SWE
🗓 13 – 16 May 2020

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Travel Grants

Art moves Africa 

Art Moves Africa supports artists, arts professionals, and cultural operators living and working in Africa to travel from one African country to another African country. The next deadline is for trips planned between 1 March and 30 June 2020.

⏰ Deadline: 1 January 2020
🌍 African countries
🗓 1 March – 30 June 2020

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Artists’ Training Lab, ‘Co-creating and Empowering Young People’

BUZZ Network 

BUZZ Network is a three-year project to cross-pollinate best practice in youth theatre across Europe.

⏰ Deadline: 31 January 2020
🌍 European Union
🗓 20-25 April 2020 and beyond

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TYA News from around the world
News from Brazil


Read about the CBTIJ Award, the 14th Paideia International Theater Festival for Children and Youth, regional representations and the 25th anniversary of CBTIJ.

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News from Germany

ASSITEJ Germany 

Read about a yearbook, a workshop for translators , upcoming festivals and workshops on gender stereotypes, fairness in international cooperations & more.

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News from Italy


Read about the SEGNI New Generations Festival 2020, an In-Forma report written by ASSITEJ Denmark’s vice chair person Vika Mia Dahlberg-Hansen and a new project REAZIONE A CATENA – CHAIN REACTION.

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Upcoming Festivals
View all

Check out the upcoming festivals in the ASSITEJ network and beyond!



The Krokus-team welcomes you for a week full of artistic adventure, fascinating theatre, energetic dance, wonderful music, amazing puppets, interactive installations … and (y)our guide are the children and families! 

🌍 Hasselt, BEL
🗓 19 – 27 February 2020

More info >>>



Contemporary performances of Lithuanian and foreign directors, current topics and fantastic improvisations that provide an opportunity to plunge into the action whirlpool!

🌍 Vilnius, LTU
11 - 19 January 2020

More info >>>


Switzerland / Liechtenstein 

The program is aimed at families with children under the age of 4, day-care centres and professionals from the fields of culture and education. There are 9 plays from 6 countries to be seen in 7 theatres, including 2 Swiss premieres!

🌍 Switzerland & Liechtenstein
🗓 10 Jan – 5 Feb 2020

More info >>>

ASSITEJ CZ 2020 theatrical showcase

Czech Republic

Enjoy Czech live theatre, puppet theatre and dance productions suitable for adult, youth and family viewers included in a special program package for international audiences. 

🌍 Prague, CZE
🗓 18 – 22 March 2020

More info >>>

Small Size Days 2020

Small Size Network


Small Size Days 2020 are coming! Next edition will run between January 31st and February 2nd. Stay tuned for more details in the new year!

🌍 Small Size Network
🗓 31 Jan. – 2 February 2020

More info >>>

Hakawy International Arts Festival For Children


AFCA for Arts and Culture in cooperation with the Dutch Performing Arts is happy to launch the Delegates programme as part of the 10th anniversary of Hakawy Festival. 

⏰ Delegates deadline: 16 Jan.
🌍 Cairo, EGY
🗓 4 – 14 March 2020


More info >>>

Article Section
Knowledge - Experiences - Reflections
The desire to play. On childhood and universality

 by Segun Adefila

"Under the right condition, the arrival of a child is a thing of joy in most places. For most African marriages children are expected naturally after 9 months. Cursed, or perhaps unfortunate, is a couple unable to bring them up male and female. A child is welcomed with open arms. Now, that’s a daringly universal language. This perhaps may not be too disconnected from the fact that the arrival of a child suggests the opening of another new page of a blank book."

Read the full article