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  • 뉴스레터
  • 2020년 1월
  • 아시테지 세계본부 뉴스레터 No.116
  • 조회수 : 834



Network Stories 

By Roberto Frabetti, Treasurer of ASSITEJ

We have to go on stubbornly pursuing the utopia of the child as a citizen, an individual with full rights, including the right of enjoying Art from the early years, which means also to exercise the “right to desire”, that we cannot and we are not willing to give up on.

The etymology of the word “desire” is beautiful and fascinating because of its duality, which includes the pain of absence and the willpower in searching.

“Desire” comes from Latin, made up of the preposition de (lack, absence) and sidus (star).

So it literally means “lack of stars”, as in “feeling the lack of stars”.

It is precisely this absence which pushes us passionately to look for a star that enlights our way, even if it stays hidden in the night.

There are many stars which fill the night sky for artists in TYA.

It’s enough to engage with the thousands of declarations of intent, which we find in the conversations and presentations during any Festival or Artistic Gathering.

In order to associate with children and take care of them through Art, I think it is necessary to combine desire with sustainable projects, as well as farseeing cultural policies, by building concrete actions, supported by thoughts in motion and projects in progress.

The construction of a Network is part of the pursuit of a sustainable desire.

A Network is a dynamic subject where we can share a strong external focus. A common way of doing things is not just helpful for the intentions of the Network, but above all, for those who are not members of the Network.

If we talk about Theatre, it means children and young people, but also the artists and people interested in them. Inside a Network, projects can cross each other, by imposing a continuous interweaving of desires with actions. I think that this has to be the nature of ASSITEJ Networks, such as Small Size, ITYARN, IIAN and WLPG, but also, I hope, it will be the same for the emerging Networks, such as the Young Dance Network.

I think that the Networks can be a great resource for the future of ASSITEJ.

There is no conflict between National Centres and Networks; on the contrary, I hope they will help each other in their growth, as quality and quantity, collaborations and interactions for projects.

Meanwhile, I think that Networks can bring two important contributions to the future of our Association.

The first is an invitation to consider the necessity of keeping continuity with each one’s unique identity, while developing specific projects and serious research paths. If Networks don’t achieve this, they will lose their meaning in a short time.

The second contribution is the transnational nature of the Networks, which I think as a wonderful element of identity, especially during these times of sovereignty and nationalism, which strengthen borders and barriers between us.

Another wish.

I come from Networks and my bond with Small size is very strong, because of its history, and of course because of its focus, that I continue to perceive as a charming challenge: the artistic relationship with Early Years.

Small children, even the very small ones, are spectators of a disconcerting honesty.

If they don’t like something, they’re not afraid to show their impatience.

But when they feel that what they are experiencing is interesting, then they become special listeners, able to express their curiosity and amazement.

In 2020, Theatre for Early Years is a certain reality.

So, why does Small size have to go on supporting and promoting itself?

First of all, because it is still a niche market, even if many people have attended it.

Some have loved it, some have just used it.

Someone was intrigued and discovered its beauty, by getting amazed more and more.

Somebody else just pretended to be a little surprised.

When discovering a full meeting with the Early Years, it is impossible not to be curious as an artist, but if the artist doesn’t know how to be surprised, then they will not find pleasure in this challenge.

The challenge of looking for contact with human beings who, because of their age, are living in an Elsewhere. It happens for the Early Years, but also for older children, as adolescents or young people in general, as they also live in an Elsewhere.

Because each one of them is deeply different from us, the adults.

Going on with promoting Art for children is also a way to promote the need for complex artistic relationships with that Elsewhere.

It is a way of interpreting theatre-making for children and young audiences.

Because “Art is not a question of age, but of curiosity”, as the 6th edition of the “Small size days”, from January 31st to February 2nd, will remind us.

Three days of shows and events dedicated to early childhood.

A wide program (follow @smallsizenet on facebook) spreads at the same time in many countries around the world, in order to witness the importance of the first years of life, dedicated to the Early Years and to all those people who are curious like them.

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ASSITEJ Japan / ASSITEJ International
20th ASSITEJ World Congress & Performing Arts Festival / MIRAI 2020

Festival Tickets to open 1 March

Tickets to the ASSITEJ Tokyo Festival are expected to open on 1 March 2020. Follow the festival updates on the Facebook page.

ASSITEJ Japan / ASSITEJ International

The first accommodation options provided by the organisers will open 10 January 2020 for a limited period of time. 

NB: Due to the Tokyo Olympics, hotel reservations in Tokyo are becoming more difficult to come by. The hotels currently being held by the secretariat must be returned in mid-February, so please book before that!  ​Very last deadline is 25 February

Please find more information and make your bookings here

ASSITEJ Japan / ASSITEJ International

ASEF > Mobility First! 2020 (Asia / Europe)

Mobility First! is a travel grant of the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) which aims to enable cultural professionals in Asia and Europe to participate in activities that would benefit their professional development and encourage their positive contributions to society.

Click here for more information.

ASSITEJ Japan / ASSITEJ International
Share your projects with the world!

Share exciting news with your peers from all over the world during the 20th ASSITEJ World Congress.

Feel free to present your organization or a project! This is an informal meeting, where members and other TYA professionals that have relevant projects to present will have a chance to do so. A projector and screen will be available.

According to the number of proposals, the number of presentations might be limited.

Please send your proposal to Ernie Nolan from the Executive Committee of ASSITEJ: enolan@nashvillechildrenstheatre.org

ASSITEJ Japan / ASSITEJ International
Call for Advertisements


We are glad to offer you an opportunity in our magazine that will help to make your work more visible to the global community! 

All delegates and participants at the Congress will receive a copy (around 1000 – 2000 delegates), more copies will be distributed by the different National Centres in their countries, and the digital version of the magazine has a very large online outreach.

Possibilities for: Full page, half a page, a quarter of a page and inside back cover.

Click here for more information.

🕐Deadline: 20 February 2020


View all open calls

Discover various open calls concerning TYA!

Call for Articles and Essays: Critical Stages/Scènes critiques

International Association of Theatre Critics /
Association internationale des critiques de théâtre

"We invite critics, scholars and researchers from around the world of all ages to contribute to a Special Topic of the journal dedicated to the praxis of theatre and performance criticism for children and young audiences. We welcome and strongly encourage interdisciplinary contributions."


⏰ Deadline: 19 July 2020
 🗓 Publication Date: December 2020

Read the call >>>

Call for Performances: HIGH FEST


 "We are pleased to inform you, that the HIGH FEST International Performing Arts Festival welcomes performing arts companies and artists to present their productions in all genres of performing art..."

⏰ Deadline: 15 March 2020

🌍 Yerevan, Armenia
🗓 1 - 8 October 2020

Read the call >>>

Call for Performances: Colombo International Theatre Festival

Inter Act Art

"CITF 2020 will feature performances from across the globe, formal and informal interactions between artists from Sri Lanka and abroad. This festival is the ninth edition towards a sustained effort in curating a festival with a purpose of bringing innovative performances to Sri Lanka."


⏰ Deadline: 15 Feb 2020
🌍 Colombo, Sri Lanka 
 🗓 31 July - 7 August 2020

Read the call >>>

Call for Participants: 3rd Croatian TYA and Puppet Theatre Showcase

ASSITEJ Croatia 

Following the successful 1st and 2nd editions, Assitej International, the Croatian centre of UNIMA and Theatre Epicentre are organizing the 3rd Croatian TYA and Puppet Theatre Showcase. 10-12 performances by ten youth and/or puppet theatres and production companies will be shown to domestic audience and foreign producers. The main goal of the Showcase is to present Croatian TYA and Puppet theatre productions to international producers and managers.

🌍 Croatia
🗓 1 - 6 June 2020

Read the call >>>


Call for Participation: Regional Workshops


In the year of CBTIJ/ASSITEJ Brazil's 25th anniversary, we are pleased to announce this call for the ASSITEJ Regional Workshops that will take place from April 21st to 23rd, 2020, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. This project has the partnership of ASSITEJ Cuba, ATINA - ASSITEJ Argentina and the Iberoamerican Network of Performing Arts for Young Audiences, and was chosen in an international call by ASSITEJ.


⏰ Deadline: 16 February 2020
🌍 Brazil
🗓 21 – 23 April 2020

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TYA News from around the world
ASSITEJ Workshop on Gender, Family and Childhood



The Swiss-Belgian Co-Production “Practising Love (Liebe üben)” by Theater Sgaramusch (CH) & Nevski Prospekt (BE) (directed by Hanna Biedermann) serves as a starting point for discussions about childhood, family and gender. We invite experts and practitioners as well as children from Nuremberg to voice their ideas and discuss which role love might play in the whole thing. “Because love is a part of life, because it is beautiful, because it is complicated”. 

🌍 Nuremberg, Germany
🗓 7 February

More info >>>


Symposium: Through Children's Eyes


ASSITEJ UK in partnership with Exeter Univesity 


As school budgets are cut and arts in the curriculum are squeezed tight, what will be missed if school children lose access to theatre? We’ll be looking at the case for live performance having a considerable and lasting impact. Given that performances for school children are a way of reaching an exceptionally diverse audience, we’ll be exploring models that might allow the activity not only to survive but to thrive.
🌍 Exeter, UK
🗓 2 – 3 July 2020

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Hugo Salcedo wins the IX Prize for Research on Performing Arts for Children and Young People Juan ervera


Hugo Salcedo is the winner of the IX Prize for Research on Performing Arts for Children and Young People Juan ervera with his work La migración en el teatro para niños y jóvenes de México. Contexto, estrategias y recursos dramáticos (Migration in theatre for children and young people in Mexico. Dramatic context, strategies and resources).

The jury decided to award the prize for the relevance and topicality of the subject matter, the thoroughness of the selection of works, the methodological rigour of the analysis and the clarity of the presentation.

 School Studients attend the VII ASSITEJ Dramatic Reading Cycle

Children from different schools attended the Casa del Lector in Madrid from 13th to 15th January to enjoy the dramatised readings organised by ASSITEJ Spain.

Read more.

 ASSITEJ Spain participates in the 29th European Fair of Performing Arts for Children (FETEN)

ASSITEJ Spain will participate in the International Professional Meeting FETEN 2020 on the 6th and 7th of February.

Read more.









CBTIJ’s first action, in 2020, is to raise awareness of the qualification required for both artists and mediation professionals...

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 Small Size

The three-day worldwide event, dedicated to arts and culture for children from 0 to 6 years, returned for its sixth edition this year.

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 Chain Reaction

6 festivals’ partners, 12 international festivals, 2 calls open to young Italian artists and to festival delegates to travel in Italy and in the EU.

Read more.

 Chile Declaration

"in Chile this year we have nothing to celebrate and the professionals of the Performing Arts for Children and Youth are in an emergency state.."

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Upcoming Festivals
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Check out the upcoming festivals in the ASSITEJ network and beyond!



The Krokus-team welcomes you for a week full of artistic adventure, fascinating theatre, energetic dance, wonderful music, amazing puppets, interactive installations … and (y)our guide are the children and families! 

🌍 Hasselt, BEL
🗓 19 – 27 February 2020

More info >>>

Visioni di futuro, visioni di teatro Festival


The 16th edition of the "Visioni di futuro, visioni di teatro..." Festival will take place in Bologna from February 28th to March 8th 2020.

Many of the festival activities are for free, but by considering the limited number of places, we will give priority to the operators who organize a festival or host a showcase.
🌍Bologna, IT
🗓28 Feb - 8 March

More info > > >


Join us in Denmark and explore the enormous diversity represented by 173 different TYA productions performing at Aprilfestival 2020.

You will not be alone!
Last year 82 international guests from 24 countries and 850 Danish TYA professionals attended the festival alongside the 38.000 Danish school and family audiences.

🌍Holbæk, Denmark
🗓19 - 26 April 2020  

More info >>>


ASSITEJ CZ 2020 theatrical showcase

Czech Republic

Enjoy Czech live theatre, puppet theatre and dance productions suitable for adult, youth and family viewers included in a special program package for international audiences. 

🌍 Prague, CZE
🗓 18 – 22 March 2020

More info >>>

Bibu Festival Performing Arts Biennial


Bibu is the most important meeting place in Sweden for professional performing arts for a young audience - an arena where all of us who work with children, young people and performing arts and culture, get together to experience and discuss performing arts for children and youth.

🌍 Helsingborg, Sweden
🗓 13 May – 16 May 2020

More info >>>

Hakawy International Arts Festival For Children


AFCA for Arts and Culture in cooperation with the Dutch Performing Arts is happy to launch the Delegates programme as part of the 10th anniversary of Hakawy Festival. 

🌍 Cairo, EGY
🗓 4 – 14 March 2020


More info >>>

Article Section
Knowledge - Experiences - Reflections
Hope - Engagement, Passion and Courage

by  Kate Kantor  


‘But Kate, why make something about the future? The coral’s dying, the trees are dying, the animals are dying and we are going to die very shortly. End of story!’ Marco, aged 10


Read the full article