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  • 뉴스레터
  • 2024년 4월
  • 아시테지 세계본부 뉴스레터 No.152 (2024년 4월호)
  • 조회수 : 438

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Foto by Nelson Álvarez. Audiences attending a performance from “Titirivida”, from Pinar del río, Cuba.

Navigating Sustainability through Theatre for Young Audiences

By Shoaib Iqbal, EC Member of ASSITEJ International

I started to educate myself on climate change and sustainability a while ago. Lately, I have been thinking about the spectrum of sustainability and its relationship to children and theatre, and there are a few thoughts I would like to share.

The challenges of environmental sustainability and ways to address them vary significantly across countries due to several factors such as resources, population density, education and infrastructure. Sustainability takes different forms depending on local contexts, from water conservation and recycling at a personal level to renewable energy adoption at the state level.

The core value I talk to children through this understanding is, that if we do not find and adopt sustainable ways of living, we lose the experience of living well in the first place.

Environmental sustainability is central to the way our children and young people should be thinking about spending their lives in the world. Young people have the potential to think about sustainability as a way of life, which is cohesive with nature and other beings on our planet. They can do this naturally if we give them the right circumstances.

I have been thinking about how we, as theatre practitioners, can perform and promote a sustainable world so our children can inherit the idea of sustainability as a natural way of living and doing things.

By harnessing the power of theatre, we can show young audiences the beauty and possibilities of living in harmony with the planet. Theatre can bring to life scenarios where every person is responsible for contributing to developing something which eventually comes back to us.

As theatre practitioners, we all believe in the power of stories, and theatre can instil in children a deep-seated belief that sustainable living is not only achievable but essential for a thriving world. It can inspire them to carry these values into their own lives, making sustainable choices that will shape the future of our planet for all.

There are a few other meanings of sustainability, that we must factor in as professionals. These are important as they enable us to continue our practice and create the impact that we desire. One of the most important forms of sustainability is economic sustainability for our work, so we can remain financially viable, sustain our programming and remain accessible and affordable for all. Cultural substantiality ensures preserving and promoting cultural heritage and celebrating diversity, so the world we are building can benefit from and contribute to our civilisation. Lastly, social sustainability focuses on creating inclusive and equitable theatre experience for young audiences so we provide opportunities for participation and engagement regardless of socioeconomic background, ability, or identity, and fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment among young people.

As theatre makers and practitioners, we have a collective belief that theatre has the power to help children imagine and experience a world that can be better from tomorrow, and the day after.

Here is to all of us for keep imagining and building with and for children and young people! 

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News from ASSITEJ International
Next Generation Programme in Cuba

Congratulations to the 15 participants from around the world and 5 Cuban participants who have been selected to attend the 'Next Generation' Programme "Community and Identity" in Cuba during the 21st ASSITEJ World Congress & Performing Arts Festival!

  • Brayan Ricardo Leyva, Cuba
  • Bryan Vindas, Costa Rica
  • Daindra Harrison, Jamaica
  • Frida Stein, Germany
  • Giovanni Delgado, USA
  • Ilgim Öztekin, Turkey
  • Irma Unušić, Croatia
  • Jasper Villasis, Philippines
  • Marlon Conyedo, Cuba
  • Mauricio Arizona, Mexico
  • Michailean Taylor, Trinidad & Tobago
  • Pavle Prelević, Montenegro
  • Rolando Moreira, Cuba
  • Rowaldo Van Rooy, South Africa
  • Sofía Acosta, Cuba
  • Shweta Singh, India
  • Thais Rossi, Brazil
  • Vanessa Cánepa, Uruguay
  • Yasser Ramírez, Cuba
  • Zoljargal Batbold, Mongolia


World Congress Access Passes Now Available!

Access Passes for the 21st ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival are now available on our event website!

To register for the 21st ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival for Children & Young People and attend performances and professional programme events, you will need to purchase an Access Pass.

 View and purchase access passes>

Compra un pase de acceso>

Call for Papers: Theatre Conference, Istanbul


A new theatre conference is being organised in İstanbul.

2nd UTAD Conference will be held September 5-7, 2024 about Existence, Tradition and Future organised by the Turkish Society for Theatre Research and Bahçeşehir University Conservatory.

The conference will include many sub-topics that concern children and youth theater and ASSITEJ members. We would love to see ASSITEJ members in Istanbul.

🌎🌍🌏 Istanbul, Turkey

🗓 5-7 September 2024


Deadline: 30 April 2024 


Calls for Visioni di Futuro, Visioni di Teatro

 Visioni di futuro, Visioni di teatro 

The 22nd edition of Visioni di futuro, Visioni di teatro...2025, from 7 to 17 March (to be confirmed) is coming!

So, you are now able to apply to three different calls: the call for productions, Amey, and the Valeria Frabetti Award.

Further information about shows and activities, as well as the forms to apply to the calls, can be found on the Festival website. 

🌎🌍🌏 Bologna, Italy

🗓 7 - 17 March 2024

Caribbean Culture Fund: Call for Proposals

Caribbean Culture Fund

We are excited to share the first call for proposals from the Caribbean Culture Fund. The CCF is a new initiative to raise funds for and distribute funds to artists and arts organizations in the Caribbean and its diasporas.

The first call has two themes: Arts for Social Change and Civic Engagement; and Caribbean Collaboration. This call is open to submissions from Barbados, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago. Submissions in all genres are welcome.

Deadline: 30 April 2024

More info & application form> 


Open Call for Co-Production

Europe Beyond Access 

Are you a Deaf and/or disabled artist based in Europe with a passion for dance, choreography, or movement? Do you have experience of leading an artistic process?

Europe Beyond Access invites you to apply for co-production support to bring your artistic vision to life!

Applications are now open for European Deaf and/or disabled artists who are seeking co-producers for new artistic works based in dance practice, choreography or movement.

This Open Call is issued by Europe Beyond Access, a consortium of ten leading European dance and performing arts organisations. Europe Beyond Access supports disabled and/or Deaf artists to break the glass ceilings of the contemporary performing arts sector and to become Europe’s next artistic leaders.

We want to support artists to make more ambitious and innovative work.

Deadline: 19 May 2024 

More information> 

News from around the world
YDN Open Calls

 Young Dance Network

Young Dance Network presents Good Morning Ideas
A series of three morning sessions during the upcoming ASSITEJ World Congress.

🌎🌍🌏 Havana, Cuba

🗓 27-29 & 31May 2024 

View full call>

Leer en español>

Young Dance Network presents Dancing Kitchen, a task game that invites us to improvise a metaphorical meal together, contrasting different ideas we have about similar elements that we use in creations.

🌎🌍🌏 Havana, Cuba

🗓 26 May 2024

View full call> 
Leer en español>



World Day Celebrations From ASSITEJ Cyprus




ASSITEJ Cyprus decided this year to dedicate its celebrations for World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People to the past; the present and the future of theatre for young audiences, both on a local as well as on an international level. The different activities took place during the whole month of March, culminating with a big event on the 20th of March.


Read more>



  Sustainability Section

In January 2024 ASSITEJ has been awarded the SHIFT Eco-Certification for Cultural Networks. (Read full statement). A year on from the pilot, Creative Carbon Scotland have announced that fifteen networks, including ASSITEJ International have achieved their certification. Each network has implemented the mandatory guidelines in their own network organisation, participated in peer audits with their fellow participants and attended a combined development workshop in Brussels. Part of the process was the creation of a Sustainability Policy for ASSITEJ International. Yet, this is only the start of and as we move on with the ecological sustainable transformation of our organisation, we would like to invite all our Centers and their members to become part of this journey and support us with their knowledge, experiences they made and challenges they are facing. To start this dialogue we would love to gather your feedback on our green policy and also learn if it might serve as a tool for your Center's sustainable transformation process. 

Furthermore we would like to invite interested members to future meetings of our Sustainability Committee to support our work in this area and to learn from one another.
If you would like to be involved with our Green Team in the Committee, please write to: juliadinahesse@assitej.de  

Opportunities With Segni for April 2024


On Monday, 15th April, from 18:00 to 19:30 CET, a new Chain Reaction Dialogue will take place to be ready to meet and network in Cuba during the ASSITEJ World Congress.

On April 23 at 6:30 PM will be the first opportunity to meet with "ForesTEEN Online Meeting", 1 hour to dialogue with and among teenagers from all over Europe. The event is open to all interested cultural operators and adolescents. 

More information> 



11th ASSITEJ International Theatre Biennial for Children and Youth in Kaposvár



Organized between May 6 and 10, 2024, the 11th ASSITEJ International Theatre Biennial for Children and Youth in Kaposvár, Hungary, offers an exceptionally rich program with 25 Hungarian and international performances and various professional activities.

On top of the 22 national and transborder productions selected in the competition programme, the five-day-long festival features further international shows by renowned European theatre companies. STILL Theatre Group from Cyprus brings their production STILL!, while Ljubljana Puppet Theatre from Slovenia shares Tunnel with the Hungarian audiences.

🌎🌍🌏 Kaposvár, Hungary

🗓 6 - 10 May 2024

Read more>


Dramaturgy Meeting for Children and Youth 2024


From May 13th to 19th, 2024, the Dramaturgy Meeting for Children and Youth 2024 will take place at the Teatro Principal de València (Main Theatre of Valencia) and at the University of Valencia, organized by ASSITEJ Spain, AVEET (Valencian Association of Theater Writers) and the Escalante Performing Arts Center.

The Dramaturgy Meeting for Children and Youth 2024 is a space for sharing questions and experiences and advancing towards an improvement in the quality of theatrical proposals aimed at children and young people.

In response to the need for editing and promulgating literary works, we propose the creation of a meeting space and reflection that seeks to showcase the richness of dramatic creation for children and youth with a focus on internationalization.

🌎🌍🌏 Valencia, Spain

🗓 13 - 19 May 2024 

More information> 

Leer en español>

New Study on Independent Children’s & Youth Theater

ASSITEJ Germany 

In April, ASSITEJ Germany publishes an anthology of studies on the economic and social situation of independent children's and youth theater. The anthology provides an insight into the world of independent performing arts for young audiences in Germany. The two studies were conducted as part of the funding program NEUSTART KULTUR – Junges Publikum. The specific working and living conditions of theater makers and actors for young audiences as well as their biographical and professional development processes are examined. Published by Theater der Zeit, Open access edition (PDF download). 

More information>


Invisible Giants

ASSITEJ Portugal


9th Literary Meeting for the Youngest Readers 2024 Meeting to promote reading through the arts. From April 25th to 30th at Buçaquinho Environmental Park, Esmoriz/Cortegaça, OVAR. The giant world of books interacts with several formats of contemporary literature for children. From theatre shows, music, dance, image, or performances, we discover a book, an author, a work, and an artist. A literary meeting where an outdoor park takes us on a journey through the unimaginable worlds of books.


🌎🌍🌏 Ovar, Portugal

🗓 25 - 30 April 2024 

More information>

Delegate Packages for SCHÖNE AUSSICHT 2024

Junges Ensemble Stuttgart

SCHÖNE AUSSICHT 2024 International and regional theatre festival

In June 2024, the festival Schöne Aussicht will take place at the Junges Ensemble Stuttgart in Germany. 10 international and 8 regional performances have been invited and will form the artistic festival programme.

For international delegates, there are different festival packages available, all of which include tickets, meals and accommodation.

🌎🌍🌏 Stuttgart, Germany

🗓 8 - 15 June 2024 

More information>


Next Gen Hangout!

Next Generation Network

Next Generation Network organized an online session “Next Gen Hangout" for Next Generation programme alumni. This hangout aimed to create a space for ongoing communication and collaboration among Next Generation Residency alumni and friends. NG Network invited all alumni participating in Next Generation Residencies organized by ASSITEJ centres and friends interested in the programme to share their ideas, thoughts, feelings, opinions, information & collaboration possibilities with their colleagues. It was a successful session with alumni of programs from Serbia, Sweden and Pakistan. NG Network is looking forward to organizing such sessions on a regular basis for NG alumni.


News from ASSITEJ Brazil


Beginning in March 2024 and running until February 2027, CBTIJ/ASSITEJ Brasil has just elected its new president and board.

Information on new board>

Invitation to Collaborate with Research: Our board member Viviane Juguero and her group, Bando de Brincantes, is engaged in the creation of a new show for children, Bambu Bambá. 

View full invitation>

Save the Dates: TARTU 2024 – European Capital of Culture!


We are happy to be part of the TARTU 2024 main program to represent the newest and most diverse theater for children and young people from Estonia and abroad. 

NAKS Festival is a meeting place for theater makers and performers, producers, festival organizers, researchers and experts, teachers, parents and young people from Estonia and abroad to experience, discuss, share knowledge, learn and talk more closely about theater for young audiences. It is also a meeting place for the Nordic-Baltic Assitej Network (NBAN) to meet regional colleagues and visitors all over the world. 

🌎🌍🌏 Tartu, Estonia

🗓 5 - 9 November 2024

More information>

ASSITEJ International

Via Giacomo Matteotti, 16, 40129 Bologna BO, Italy